Technical Guidelines

Technical Assistance

Considered a benchmark in technical assistance, especially regarding customer service and orientation, Roca has a team of qualified professionals to provide the best orientations and always seek the best service for customers and consumers.

At the company’s website, it is possible to download the main guidelines on installation and care during cleaning and preservation of the products (important recommendations), in addition to an area with frequent questions and answers to solve your doubts.

Roca has a rigid quality control system, and this system is constantly improved according to the needs of the consumers. Therefore, if there is any irregularity in the product, we ask you to contact the Roca Technical Assistance service prior to the installation, so the orientation or opening of a service order will be faster and more effective. It is indispensable to have the number of the purchase receipt, as the warranty is only valid upon presentation of the receipt.

The questions and requests for Technical Assistance can be send through the Contact Us link or get in touch calling +55 (41) 2105 2500.

    Você precisa de ajuda para o(s) produto(s) adquiridos?

    Caso sim, por favor preencher corretamente os dados abaixo:

    Dados da Loja

    Dados do consumidor

    Dados do produto reclamado


    A reclamação será aceita formalmente com o preenchimento de todos os campos. O envio da cópia do documento fiscal, rg/cpf original é obrigatório.